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Truely Dog is our best friend


For the past 6 years, a dog named Capitán
has slept on the grave of his ownerevery
night. His owner, Miguel Guzmán died in
2006 and Capitán disappeared shortly after
the family attended the funeral services.
They searched everywhere and put out
flyers to try and find him. But no one had
seen him.
A week later, some people who were at the
cemetary late one evening spottedCapitán
laying on a grave and they contacted the
grounds keeper at the cemetary. The
cemetary notified the family who promptly
came to pick him up and take him home.
But each night he would cry and scratch
frantically at the door to go out and he
wouldn't return home until morning. It was
later discovered that Capitán wouldwalk
the 3 miles back to the cemetary each
night to guard his master's grave.
It has been nearly 7 years now. The
cemetary does not close the gates until he
arrives each night promptly at 6 pm. He
sleeps there all night guarding the grave
until the grounds keeper opens thegate in
the morning.

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